Things To Know When Putting iPhone in DFU mode

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Putting the iPhone into DFU mode is what you need to learn to fix a case where you think about jailbreaking your device, resetting a jailbroken device, or dealing with a hard-to-repair device that doesn’t respond to standard recovery methods at all.

iPhone DFU mode

DFU (Default Firmware Update) mode can be defined as a state in which you can configure your iPhone or iPad to communicate with iTunes without activating the active loader program on the device. When the iPhone DFU mode is active, it bypasses all standard recovery procedures, which allows you to perform the usual methods, such as downgrading the iOS version, downloading custom firmware, jailbreaking the device, unlocking the SIM card, or restoring a jailbroken device.

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Difference between DFU and Recovery Mode

Whenever the iPhone or iPad enters recovery mode, it automatically downloads a bootloader program, known as iBoot, which takes control of the iOS device. This program checks the firmware on the device and provides you with options for updating or restoring the device. For comparison, the DFU mode completely bypasses the standard bootloader program, which gives you more control over the device and the ability to perform advanced functions. Besides, switching a device to DFU mode requires a bit more skill and time compared to putting the device into recovery mode. IOS Repair is one of the best and accessible tools to get out of the iPhone DFU mode, available in the dr.fone software if you want to transfer the iPhone to the DFU mode without any difficulties. IOS Repair is the best alternative of other software’s because it can be used in various scenarios, such as iPhone crashes, iPhone hanging in recovery mode. This tool is also useful when your device is consistently failing.

Things can go wrong with DFU mode

Although the DFU mode allows you to perform advanced functions, you should be aware that problems can occur if internal components fail, which can interfere with the DFU process. As the DFU mode works, at first it almost erases everything from your device and then reloads all the code necessary to run the hardware and software on your device. Everything should be fine if your device allows the DFU process to run continuously and shut down properly. However, always there is a possibility that a device that has suffered internal damage as a result of a fall, impact or water damage may interrupt or stop the DFU process. Such a case can leave a working iPhone with minor problems to deteriorate or even become completely unusable.

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Five steps to put your iPhone in DFU mode

Step 1. Connect iPhone to your computer and on iTunes. (it doesn’t matter if your iPhone is Open or Close)

Step 2: Then press and hold the power button and the Home button (if you use iPhone 6S or lower) or the power button and Volume down button (if you use iPhone 7 or later) together for 8 seconds.

Step 3: After few seconds, release the power button, but continue to hold down the Home button (In case of iPhone 6S or lower) or the Decrease Volume button (if you are using iPhone 7 and higher) until iTunes says “iTunes has found it in recovery mode “.

Step 4: Now all you release the Home button or the volume down button that you kept pressed. Your iPhone’s screen will be entirely black if you successfully enter DFU mode. If It’s not the case, then do not worry! Just try again on top.

Step 5: Finally, restore your iPhone using iTunes.