The importance of mental health in the workplace

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Mental illness can have a huge impact on someone’s life and ability to work. Mental illness isn’t at all rare and the chances are you know someone suffering from mental illness. Going to work means doing your best, replying to emails, answering phone calls, meeting deadlines, giving results, and impressing the boss. It often doesn’t matter what is happening in your life and how you’re feeling as long as you bring results. You have to be committed and put aside your issues in order to be a perfect employee. The longer someone ignores their mental problems, the worse the problems get. In the long run, they can have a big impact on someone’s ability to focus and work meaning they will stop delivering results.

Stress, depression, and anxiety are, unfortunately, quite common problems in many American workplaces. Leaders and bosses have important role in listening, recognizing, and addressing the mental health problems of their employees. The things would be made easier if every employee felt safe to say how they feel, but that usually isn’t the case. Employees are often pressured to be as good as they can constantly, and admitting you have mental health issues means you’re less fit for a job or that promotion you’ve been waiting.

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As Dialogue explains, once the employees are feeling better, they will be absent from work much less.

According to The number of money companies has been spending on their employees’ mental health has been on the rise for the last several years. Many employers are starting to realize the importance of good mental health in the workplace. The truth is, anxiety is expensive for employers.

Something leaders can do that will make a huge difference is:

• Let the employees know that they care about their mental health. Showing them they matter is a really good first step and it will help them open up and talk about their issues. Also, it’s up to the leaders to ensure that all of the employees are aware that there are services and support offered by the company.

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• Regular training can also do wonders. Educate your employees so they are able to recognize the problem and offer them solutions. Some of the main symptoms that may indicate mental health issues are irritability, problem focusing, lack of energy, and trouble making decisions. It is important for both, employers and employees to understand how to recognize mental health issues, and how to deal with them.

• Pay attention to workplace stressors. Employers should be aware if their employees are under a lot of stress. They should be able to manage the stressors and in order to do that, they should pay close attention to what is stressing employees. Maybe it’s certain job duties, maybe the feedback they’re getting for their work, maybe bad communication with colleagues. Any harassment or interpersonal issues should be reported and all of the employees should feel free to do that anytime. Employees shouldn’t be overburdened and should be given as many tasks as they can finish without getting nervous and anxious. Learn more about becoming a better leader in the workplace by signing up for a business leadership training at TrainingConnection.