Top 6 Most Dangerous Diets

Many people all over the world are wondering how to lose weight fast. Someone is trying to lose weight by fasting, someone hope for trendy goji berries, while others do combine several diets to achieve maximum results. At the same time, few people think that most of these methods cause irreparable harm to the body. Among a large number of diets, there are both more effective and less effective. And there are some that are considered completely dangerous. According to doctors, as a result of some diets, you can get not a slim figure, but a number of chronic diseases. In this article, we will talk about the most dangerous diets.

Diets today have become real entertainment – many users of social networks even arrange contests and compete: who will lose weight the most? However, such entertainment often ends sadly. In order not to experiment on your body, you need to eat wisely. And if you lack entertainment – try live in-play betting. It’s much safer for your health.

Low carb diets


As the name of the diet implies, it implies an almost complete rejection of carbohydrates – one of the most important components that perform an “energy-storing” function in the body. As the developers of such weight loss methods promise, adhering to a strict schedule, you can lose up to one kilogram per day. They just don’t specify that sooner or later such an imbalance will cause serious deviations in the body.

Most often, such diets are followed by professional athletes. In fact, this is drying of the body. But even they sit on them for a very short time and exclusively under the supervision of specialists. If they are not followed correctly, this will lead to a lack of phospholipids and other healthy fats.



A mono diet means eating only one product for several days. For example, chocolate, apples, or buckwheat that is familiar to everyone. According to statistics, this method helps to get rid of up to six kilograms in just one week. But at the same time, it has a detrimental effect on the entire body: in this case, a complete imbalance of the active components is observed, as a result of which either only carbohydrates, proteins, or fats accumulate.

Keto diet


People who decide to try the keto diet are also forced to voluntarily give up carbohydrates. And not for a day, but for a fairly long period of time. As a result, a dangerous process is launched – ketosis, in which the body extracts energy from decayed fats. As a result, a mass of ketones is formed that can literally poison the body.

Such diets can be used only under the supervision of a doctor since the body is oversaturated with proteins. It is very difficult to observe them – there will definitely be breakdowns and subsequent weight gain.

Intermittent fasting


Fasting, in any of its manifestations, is one of the favorite ways to lose weight. It seems to many that if you do this with a certain frequency, then you can make serious progress without exposing yourself to stress. However, the doctor notes that any long-term abstinence from food leads to the development of dangerous diseases. Including pancreatitis and gallstone disease.

Paleo diet


Professionals consider the paleo diet a relic of the past. And largely because it was “popular” in the Stone Age, when of all the products to choose from, only meat, fish, and plant foods were presented. Thus, sitting on it, a person will have to give up dairy products, refined oils, and other foods rich in iodine and iron.

There are no scientific studies to prove the safety of the Paleo diet. But it is already known that if women over 50 years of age adhere to this diet, they are threatened with osteoporosis – thinning of the bones.

Protein diet


With this method of losing weight, a person will have to consume foods containing protein, literally in “horse” doses. Thus, the body will sooner or later become deficient in vitamins and other essential nutrients. With this method of eating, you can lose about five kilograms per week, but the consequences will be dire.

Ideally, a person needs to consume no more than 15-20% of protein, otherwise, the load on the internal organs, namely the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, increases greatly. This is especially true for people with chronic diseases.