How to Reduce Foot Swelling During Pregnancy – 2024 Guide

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Today, we will discuss some really effective natural ways to reduce foot swelling during pregnancy. In this post, we will elaborate on how certain habits and your overall lifestyle can reduce such highly uncomfy changes in your pregnant body as swollen feet, ankles, and hands. We’ve been there also, so we wrote this article in collaboration with professionals from, so you can trust our experience for sure.

While you may be fond of certain magical moments pregnancy comes with — the number of restroom trips within a day does resemble a miracle — there are some far-from-miraculous pregnancy side effects you’re probably experiencing as well. Your body is transforming speedily — it’s natural, yet it often feels quite bothersome, to say the least.

First and foremost, you should know that having swollen feet and ankles during pregnancy is totally normal. The good news is that there are some great natural remedies to ease this highly uncomfortable condition. No doubt, the effect from these remedies is not as miraculous as, say, popping a balloon with a fork. But if practiced on a regular basis, the following strategies can significantly reduce swelling during pregnancy.

1. Wear Comfy Shoes

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We know you love the way you look in your all-time favorite heels. However, late pregnancy prompts giving them a (relatively short) break. Focus on wearing comfortable (or even orthotic) perfectly fitting shoes. It’s extremely important, for it’s one of the key ways to reduce foot swelling. The best pregnancy shoes are comfy and supportive and you can check out the best ones on sites such as

2. More Water, Less Coffee

No worries, drinking more water during pregnancy won’t make the swelling worse (could it be even worse, you may wonder). Keeping your body hydrated all the time is paramount. That way, it gets rid of all the excess fluids and toxins that initially cause the swelling. In addition to this, when your body is dehydrated, your kidneys focus on holding onto as much water as possible.

So give your body the water it needs to help your kidneys remove the excess instead of accumulating fluids in your feet, ankles, and/or hands. Furthermore, avoid drinking coffee during pregnancy. The reason is simple — caffeine causes dehydration and thus, makes swelling much worse. Instead of coffee, you can opt for peppermint or ginger tea.

3. Exercise & Walk on a Daily Basis

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Remaining active during pregnancy is vital. Moderate workouts can help you get your blood pumping and significantly reduce swelling. Of course, running marathons when you’re pregnant is not a good idea. But doing yoga or swimming for thirty minutes a day can truly work wonders with your swollen limbs. Discuss it with your doctor, then feel free to Google safe workouts for pregnant women, and take action!

4. Enhance Your Diet

Make sure you get enough potassium by adding potassium-rich foods to your diet. Spinach, bananas, salmon, avocados, and celery should be on your plate on a regular basis. Add magnesium to your diet by eating more almonds, broccoli, cashews, and tofu. Make sure you eat less salt — it aggravates the condition of swollen feet by preventing your body from releasing water.

5. Get a Massage

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Yep, even your feet feel exhausted (and pregnant) these days, we understand that. No wonder, you’ve got a human being in your belly, after all! A gentle foot massage can help relieve aching muscles, as well as reduce swelling. So ask your partner to massage your feet, then relax and enjoy the process.

6. Put Your Feet up

Elevating your feet to enhance blood flow is among the fastest and simplest methods to reduce swelling. So make sure you practice this easy exercise for about 20 minutes 3 or 4 times a day. No more crossing your legs during pregnancy, since it will definitely aggravate your condition. Also, avoid standing on your feet for too long, for it’s only going to make swelling worse.

7. Immerse Your Swollen Feet in Water

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Immersing your feet in a bucket of warm water at the end of the day can also help you get relief from swollen feet during pregnancy. Make sure you add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt to the warm water. Then soak your feet for about half an hour. Repeat the ritual twice a week. Having a bath in warm water with several drops of eucalyptus essential oil is also a great swelling-relieving idea. Furthermore, if you soak yourself in a swimming pool at least 2 times a week, it’s going to help reduce swelling as well.

8. Lay on Your Left Side

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Whenever you decide to have some rest, make sure you opt for laying on your left side more often. It will increase blood circulation in your body. In addition to this, 1 or 2 cups of nettle and dandelion tea a day can significantly (and naturally) enhance blood flow and balance electrolytes in your body. As a result, swelling in your feet will be significantly reduced.

9. Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been proven to be a rather effective natural treatment option for swollen feet during pregnancy. What’s more, acupuncture helps alleviate other pregnancy side effects, such as nausea, fatigue, various types of aches, pains, and even constipation. Overall, pre-birth acupuncture is effective in preparing a woman’s body for labor by nourishing and strengthening it.

Bottom Line

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Pregnancy is a memorable journey, both in terms of your emotional and physical condition. You will experience immense changes within and far beyond the 9 months of your pregnancy. Once your baby belly starts growing, the pressure on your back, stomach, and pelvic area will increase as well. Therefore, listening to your body and keeping yourself as comfy as possible is paramount during this wonderful-yet-challenging time of your life.

Usually, swollen feet during pregnancy are nothing to lose your head over. In the majority of cases, natural remedies described above are very effective. Keep your doctor informed on your swelling just in case, and make sure you’re disciplined enough to follow these tips. Before you know it, you’ll be able to wear your favorite heels again, and the only feet you’ll be worrying about will be those tiny precious toes!