The Best Foods For Pregnant Women


Whole grains:

Such as oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat bread are all good sources of fiber and other essential nutrients that pregnant women need to keep their energy up throughout the day. Whole grains also provide complex carbohydrates which help fuel your body for long periods of time without spiking blood sugar levels as refined carbohydrates do.

Lean protein:


Poultry, eggs, fish, nuts, seeds, beans and lentils are all healthy sources of lean protein. Lean protein is also important for pregnant women as it helps build strong muscles in both mother and baby alike. Poultry, eggs, fish, nuts, seeds, beans, and lentils are all healthy sources of lean protein that should be included in a balanced diet during pregnancy.

Fruits and vegetables:

Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals that can help meet the increased nutrient needs during pregnancy. Fresh fruits and vegetables should also be part of your regular diet when you’re expecting; they are rich in vitamins and minerals which can help meet increased nutrient needs during pregnancy. Fruits can make great snacks if you’re feeling peckish or even act as dessert after meals.

Dairy products:


Yogurt is a great source of calcium for bone health during pregnancy; cottage cheese is also a good option for a snack or part of a meal.

Eating a balanced diet is the key to overall health – and it’s even more crucial when you are pregnant because what you eat is going to be the main source of nutrients for your baby.

However, for many women, even with the use of supplements, many of them end up being deficient in iron, calcium, vitamin D3 and certain B vitamins like B9 (Folic Acid) and B12. This can affect the baby’s growth and overall development.

As such, consuming functional foods for pregnant will be the best and most natural option for both mother and baby. Our formulas contain nutrients that are wide spectrum and holistic – and they can boost a pregnant woman’s energy levels so that she is not overwhelmed by fatigue, stress, and emotional anxiety, both physically and mentally.

Fatty Acids are Important for a Baby’s Brain Development

Foods such as salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts provide good sources of these fatty acids. Water Staying hydrated is important to ensure adequate amniotic fluid volume throughout the pregnancy; water should be the primary beverage consumed while pregnant.

Fatty Acids:

Essential for Baby Brain Development

Nutrition during pregnancy is critical for the health and development of an unborn baby. One of the most important nutrients is fatty acids, which are essential for the development of a baby’s brain. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 60% of brain tissue consists of fatty acids. Fortunately, there are several food sources that provide these fatty acids.



Salmon is one such food source; it contains omega 3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which is essential in maintaining healthy cell membranes and helps with proper nerve function and vision development in babies.

Other fish like herring, tuna, sardines, and trout also contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, flaxseeds contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), another type of omega-3 fat that can be converted to DHA by the body when needed. Walnuts are also a good source as they contain ALA as well as other beneficial fats like stearidonic acid (SDA).